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The Sluice Box - Idaho City ID Real Haunts

  • 609 Main St.
  • Idaho City, ID
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Real Haunted Places
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The BoCo Sluice Box in Idaho City is a unique building that operates as an antique shop. Its owner, Larry Carter, has maintained an open invitation with the spiritual world and the location is known to be pretty haunted. Paranormal reports here include floating lights that have been spotted in the top floor of the shop. No apparitions have been reported though... yet!

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  • First Ever Investigation At This Location

    My team and I had the honor of being the first team of investigators to investigate this location in its entirety. We have been back 3 times since. The new owners have labeled this location as our “home base” and has refused other investigators access to the building in fear of false evidence coming out. She trusts us. That being said, we have captured two separate voices; one of a female and one what sounds like a child. We captured audio of heavy footsteps on a still NV camera. This location has some darker history that you won’t hear about unless you talk with the new owners; Larry was an interesting man with an interesting situation regarding a young man that no one seems to really talk about. Anyways, I can confirm that there is some sort of activity here. Is it absolutely without a doubt 100% paranormal? I’d like to say yes, but there is always room for logical, scientific, and environmental explanations.

    Posted 3/31/23

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 719
Last edit to this listing: 4/30/2021 (1426 days ago)

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