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The Helgeson - Orofino ID Real Haunted Places

  • 125 Johnson Ave.
  • Orofino, ID
  • (208) 476-5729
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  (4 reviews)
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Witnesses have reported seeing a ghostly woman standing outside the hotel at night, and reports of loud bangs have been heard coming from inside the building.
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  • A Skeptic Has No Explanation

    Never believed in the whole "haunted" deal. I believe most "hauntings" are easily debunked. But I have no explanation for my experience at the Helgeson Hotel. Night 1. Woke up at 3:00 a.m. to loud banging and voices in the hallway. Angered me, so went out to give them a piece of my mind. No one there. This isn't a large hotel and is U-shaped. No way they could have left in that amount of time. I went back to my room but not bed. Ten minutes later, back with the banging, footsteps, and voices. Took me about 30 seconds to get into the hallway....no one there. Checked the old elevator and the carriage was at my floor. No way it had been used in the last 10 minutes. Stairwell quiet. This went on until 5:00 a.m. and all quiet after that. The way this hotel is laid out, no way you can make that kind of noise and be gone that fast. Night 2- More banging around and voices in the hall 3-5 a.m. Up multiple times to check. No one there again. Looked out into the courtyard from the third floor and it looked like every cat in Orofino had shown up and were just sitting there in a big circle. There was a woman watching them and she walked around the corner and never came back. I am an outdoorsman and found it creepy and odd. Never have I seen this behavior out of that many cats. I also had the same feeling that the "Room 207" experienced. The bed didn't move and nothing touched me, but I felt like something was laying on the bed with me. So much so, that I turned the lights on multiple times to see what was there. I am generally a very happy person. This night I had a deep feelings of sadness, despair. My home is 6 hours from Orofino. When I got home, I didn't talk to my wife and kids. I went straight to my room and cried for 2 hours. Again, I am generally a very happy person. I can't remember the last time I cried over anything except a loved ones death. Those feelings all went away and I am back to happy go lucky. The locals I spoke with wouldn't look me in the eye and got kind of quiet once I told them where I was staying. That struck me as odd. Usually locals want to talk up their historic landmarks. I still don't believe in hauntings, but I can't explain nor deny my experiences and feelings while staying at the Helgeson. I won't stay there again, but only because I require a quiet place to sleep. This place, specifically the third floor, is far from quiet between 3 and 5 a.m. Go stay there and judge for yourself.

    Posted 10/29/22

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  • i lost my v-card here

    it was awesome. ??

    Posted 5/16/21

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  • My Experience at the hotel

    My experience at the hotel was great I stayed there for a week, the hotel did concern me though It was the biggest hotel I've been in. This hotel though was "rich" and when you walk out side, all the shops were for sell the places around the hotel was a ghost town. Their was no one outside and no cars just like everyone vanished, that wasn't the only thing either I would say the houses there were even more weirder, my camera though caught a photo of someone or something in the trees and a person I thought I saw by a lake by the hotel but no one was there.

    Posted 8/2/20

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  • Room 207

    I stayed in room 207 for two nights and cut my stay short due to an annoying spirit in the middle of both nights. Felt the bed move as if someone just laid beside me and heard rustling of fabric and felt something touching me. I just had an overall feeling that something was there all night. Not much sleep obviously. I’ve heard of hauntings here but now I can say for sure that The Helgesen Place Hotel in Orofino,Idaho is definitely haunted!

    Posted 4/29/20

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Contact Phone #: (208) 476-5729

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Last edit to this listing: 11/9/2016 (3058 days ago)

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