Snake River Heritage Center - Weiser ID Real Haunted Place

- 2295 Paddock Ave.
- Weiser, ID
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- (3 reviews)
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- Real Haunted Places
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Share Your ExperiencesI didn’t believe ghosts are real, and I was wrong
I went to the Weiser heritage center a while ago, just to have fun at a museum I was in town for the fiddle festival when I was walking up, I felt a weird sensation like tingling. It was a really weird feeling, but I ignored it. Our guide was very kind and she told us a lot about the history. Including the fire. The fire was random a lot of people say it was just electricity. But this made me think differently. I asked our guide if I could go back into the basement a little farther. I’m very interested in areas like that. Apparently a lot of people are as well. I was looking at some stuff, and I felt something slightly creep across my back almost like a spider that is crawling on you. It kind of felt like a hand creeping up my back. It was horrifying. Immediately my guide looked at me. And asked me if I was all right. I said yes. But really, I was afraid. We stayed in the basement for a little bit longer, and I only got worse. I felt a burning sensation on my back, almost like someone was angry, very angry. Then something fell off the shelf. And then I saw it. A girl dressed in a white gown short hair curled standing right behind me. But she was not the thing coming up my back she was standing from a distance disappeared in a matter of seconds. But that sensation on my back was still there. Going onto the next part the fire apparently their security cameras had caught things. The security cameras kept going off, but nothing was there so that was creepy. Then I felt my hair get kind of pulled angrily It scared me and I asked if the guide did it. She said no. At that point, I was horrified. I was only with my boyfriend, but still he was upstairs. So I don’t know what was on my back. I asked them to check me for scratches. They found some red marks, but never found scratches. I feel like whatever is in the basement is demonic. And has an intention for kill. And possession. Days after that experience, I had been having some issues. With sleep mostly because of that experience. Also, I would see this thing crawling up my bed in my dreams weeks after and every time I would wake up, I would feel that same sensation on my back. I’m horrified. After about a month all that stopped. Apparently, at one point I was talking in a different language. No one knew at the language was all I know is, I didn’t speak it. And the worst thing about it I don’t remember this happening. I would recommend you going to the snake river heritage center, but do not go in that basement. That’s the warning, please stay out of the basement to this day. I still have nightmares about the same thing I’ve even talk to a priest about it do not go on the basement whatever’s there is demonic, and it has bad intention to annoy and tease and make you cry and I would recommend you going here like I said, just do not go in that basement there is evil the room I felt safe and was there Native Americans room, which was blessed by native Americans do not go in the basement.
Posted 7/7/231 out of 1 found this review helpful
ghost play with a human girl
there was a girl that came to the snake river heritage center for a class feild trip a few years ago and she reported that she felt soemthings pull her hair and triped her but when she turned around there was nothing there. she even said that she heard someone behind her say her name
Posted 12/14/222 out of 2 found this review helpful
Creepiest place I've been to.
My mom used to work here and when I was little the stairs to the second floor where all boarded up. When I asked about it I was told there was a fire and people died. Another story I heard was when it used to be a school somebody locked the kids in one of the classroom and murdered the kids with an axe. When I spent time there while my mom worked I would see things by the stairs to the second floor all the time and once had a drink knocked over I had sitting on the steps. One time I went into the basement and it is super creepy feelings down there.
Posted 9/2/214 out of 8 found this review helpful
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Last edit to this listing: 4/30/2021 (1406 days ago)