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Owyhee Mountain Dwarves - Murphy ID Real Haunts

  • Owyhee Mountains
  • Murphy, ID
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Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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This is where the cannibalistic dwarves are said to live, and they are rumored to be strong and vicious creatures. It was said that they map kidnap children and eat them. Legend says they stand at about two feet tall and have tails, which they hide by wrapping them around their bodies.
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  • Paranormal

    I was walking through the woods when I saw something out of the corner of my eye but when I looked I didn't see anything so I kept walking when a few minutes had passed I heard singing.

    Posted 7/28/24

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  • Hard to explain.

    Been there and had a encounter with a cougar like animal so I back up and let my family make there way down the mountain. As I stayed staring at this cat like creature. I at this time didn't know the buttes history and Hauntings. I am very aware what cougars look like and act like. And this cat as I made eye to eye contact I realized the sinister head movement and came to realize the snout was very pug like it didn't look like a cougar at all. But as I started backing up making my way down I look up and see two more pop up I don't know what to think but I know those were not real cougars.

    Posted 6/19/23

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  • They ate half my body...

    It was late at night; I was camping, and I heard a rustle of leaves. I went out of my tent, to see what the matter was. I walked over to the place I thought the sound had originated from, and something bit my ankle. I fell down, in agony. I tried to scream, but it was too late; as they had already devoured my throat...

    Posted 9/27/22

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  • Working in the hops fields in 1965

    I was a little girl and was left to sleep on a blanket in the summer of 1965 ish, while my family was working the hops fields. I sat up to see what I thought was a huge owl... instead I found a large wierd looking "owlman" Who was looking and I believe telepathic communicating with me. Not sure why he walked away but he looked to be wearing a wrap-around cape and he took steps by raising his hips instead of using knees. I told my husband and children this 30 years ago but until recently I am learning more about these things and get chills every time I learn just how close I came to being...

    Posted 11/21/21

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  • Owyhee Mountain Dwarves.

    I have a haunted places book that mentions it, but nobody I know has ever heard of it.

    Posted 12/21/16

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    4 out of 6 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 11/10/2016 (3057 days ago)

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