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Luna House - Real Lewiston Haunted Place

  • 0306 3rd St.
  • Lewiston, ID
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  (4 reviews)
Listing Categories
Real Haunted Houses, Real Haunted Places
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The Luna House Museum in Lewiston once operated as a thriving bordello. The site is believed to be haunted by a ghost known as the Lady in Blue. Her ghost appears either as a blue ball of light, blue smoke, or a fully-formed person. Her spirit shows up on a regular basis and paranormal investigators have explored the property and learned that the Lady wasn’t a prostitute, as had been assumed, but instead was a God-fearing woman who spent her life trying to shut the bordello down.

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  • Wrong Location

    The Blue Lady has been seen only at Morgan's Alley, not the Lewis-Clark Hotel and the Nez Perce County Historical Society Museum, formally the Luna House Museum.

    Posted 7/10/24

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  • Wrong location

    The blue lady haunts the Lewis clark hotel not the museum where the Luna house used to stand.

    Posted 8/30/23

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  • This is no joke!

    I was standing on the grand staircase on second floor and asked her to make herself known. Shortly after a gust of wind shot past me. We then checked the vents and none of them were on. We then checked our cameras and a blue orb was shown shooting up the stairs past me.

    Posted 7/24/23

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    4 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • This place is the real deal

    I called and was invited to do a Paranormal Investigation at the Luna House. Day 1 a preliminary investigation of the Luna house followed by the Investigation. The next day I was invited back to do the residence house. The location was pretty active and has become more active after the investigation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZB3q6TBXNs

    Posted 12/12/22

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

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Visitors to this page: 1,548
Last edit to this listing: 4/30/2021 (1406 days ago)

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